Sunday, June 14, 2009


Well we finally moved in the Tuesday after Memorial Day!!! Even though there are still tons of boxes left to unpack we are so loving the new house. The first couple of nights were strange because there was so much space and we are use to being right next to each other. But as time goes on we are getting use to everything.

Max was so excited about moving in that 2 days after we moved in he started walking every where. It was so odd he went from taking a couple of steps to touring the house digging through the boxes. I guess my son just need space and once he got it he was free to rome. Since moving in he has not only started walking he now climbs stairs, pushes he toy truck from room to room and he goes to the cabinet with the cookies and points. My little guys seems to be blooming so much since we have moved.

HOwever there have been some bumps with the moving processes we still do not have internet. They have been out a ton of times and they are scheduled to do more work this week so I feel like i am cut off from the world. In a way it has been a mixed blessing because I now spend my time playing with Max and working on the house. i LOVE play time with my angel he is so fun. He has started to do the fake laugh and squishes his face. He is the greatest kid ever.


  1. Yea!!! So glad you all are finally moved in!! I know you're relieved and ready to be un-packed!

  2. Yay for finally getting to LIVE in your house!!! We can't wait to come visit! :~)
